
CEO of neurocat, Florens Gressner | The Leadership Lab

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CEO of neurocat, Florens Gressner | The Leadership Lab

​This week, Anthony Kelly is joined by Florens Gressner. Florens Greßner is the co-founder and CEO of neurocat, a Berlin-based startup that empowers safe, fair, and secure innovations in artificial intelligence (AI). As a mathematician with a focus on statistics and optimization, he has a passion for transferring the abstract mathematics of academia to applied purposes in the field of machine learning (ML) testing and quality assurance.

With his expertise in ML testing, he has contributed to numerous industry solutions in risk assessment, robustness, and interpretability of AI systems across use cases, especially in the mobility sector. Currently, he and his team are developing a cloud-based service called aidkit, which enables users to understand and improve the quality of their ML models and make informed decisions for deployment into production systems. Florens aims to shape the future of technology with Neurocat's vision of driving safe AI solutions.